среда, 18 апреля 2012 г.


The onlyway to properly characterize biological systems is by simultaneously addressing chemical
reactions, motion, and biological processes.Mass and energy exchanges are taking place constantly
within and between cells, and at every scale of an ecosystem or a human population. Thus,
biochemodynamics addresses energy and matter as they move (dynamics), change (chemical
transformation), and cycle through organisms (biology).Asingle chemical or organismundergoes
biochemodynamics, from its release to its environmental fate (see Figure 1.1).
Since biotechnologies apply the principles of science, the only way to assess them properly is
by considering them biochemodynamically. Recently, the environmental community has
become increasingly proficient in using biomonitoring to assess ecosystem condition or to
determine pathways that have led to xenobiotic body burdens in humans. This has come to be
known as exposure reconstruction. In other words, by analyzing concentrations of substances
in tissue, the route that led to these concentrations can retrace the pathways, such as those in
Figure 1.1.
Reconstruction of body burden in an organism that follows the release of a substance to the
environment is an example of the biochemodynamic approach. To date, the use of biomonitoring
data for environmental assessment has been limited to relatively straightforward exposure scenarios, such as those involving inert and persistent chemicals with relatively long
biological half-lives and well-defined sources and pathways of exposure (e.g. the metal lead
[p3b] that is inhaled or ingested). More complex scenarios, including multiple chemical,
multiple route of entry to the body and multiple pathway exposures, will need to complement
biological information with large amounts of chemical and physical data (e.g. multimedia
dynamics of the chemical). Table 1.1 provides examples of available population biomarker
databases that can complement biomonitoring data.
Assessing biological doses and their effects using exposure measurements constitutes
a ‘‘forward’’ analytical approach, whereas estimating or reconstructing exposures from
biomarkers invokes an ‘‘inverse’’ methodology. The forward analysis can be accomplished
through the direct application of exposure, toxicokinetic, and toxicodynamic models
(discussed in Chapter 2), which can be either empirical or mechanistic (i.e. biologically
based). Reconstruction requires application of both numerical model inversion techniques
and toxicokinetic and/or toxicodynamic models. Physical, chemical, and biological information
must be merged into biochemodynamic information to underpin a systematic,
environmental assessment.
Physiologically based toxicokinetic (PBTK) and biologically based dose-response (BBDR)
models combined with numerical inversion techniques and optimization methods form
a biochemodynamic framework to support environmental risk assessment (see Figure 1.2).
The inversion approach contrasts with so-called ‘‘brute-force sampling,’’ wherein possible
factors as evaluated one-by-one. The biochemodynamic approach calls for a systematic evaluation
of available methods and computational tools that can be used to ‘‘merge’’ existing
forward models and biomarker data >.

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